The first question that comes to mind when writing any work is what should be the percentage of uniqueness? The fact is that the level of originality is one of the most important indicators of the text, along with literacy, adherence to style and form of presentation.
Copywriters and rewriters, journalists, teachers, writers, students and representatives of many other professions carefully monitor the uniqueness of their work. To do this, they use systems that analyze the material for borrowings - they are called anti-plagiarism.
There are certain standards for each text. For materials of an advertising nature and posted on the Internet, about 95-99% of originality is required. Such high requirements are due to the fact that search engines only allow unique materials to the TOP. That is, you can publish a borrowed text, but it is likely that few people will be able to see it. The system will analyze it and “reject” it, not placing it on the first pages of queries.
Each university determines the required uniqueness mobile app development service index for essays, papers, term papers and theses independently. A manual will help you find out all the standards - this document usually contains all the rules for writing certain student papers. Usually, about 50-60% is enough for papers, 60% for term papers, 60-70% for theses, and 70-80% for dissertations. The higher the uniqueness percentage of the text, the higher its quality is considered. This means that the student can expect a high grade.
The situation is different with the indicators of scientific articles. Each scientific journal or conference organizer independently sets the minimum percentage of originality for accepted materials. The higher the level of the publication or event, the higher all the indicators should be. For example, almost anyone can publish in a commercial journal by paying the cost. Such publications do not undergo thorough peer review, and materials are not indexed in scientometric systems. Therefore, even texts with 50-60% originality can be published. At the same time, for publication in a journal approved by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), very high-quality material is required. You will have to think about how to increase the uniqueness of the text to 90%.
Thus, we have considered what the percentage of uniqueness should be in different types of texts. Namely, in student works - term papers, essays, diplomas, dissertations, as well as in scientific and advertising articles.