In this article, we will review a new function in the Brand Analytics social media and mass media monitoring and analysis system, and reveal life hacks for analyzing mentions and the benefits of using aspects.
Who are we?
The Topface media reputation agency has been working on brand reputation online for 8 years. We are engaged not only in classic ORM and SERM areas, but also in working with users through the community, analyzing the audience through Social listening, searching for insights and generally everything related to the online brand image. Every day, our team collects more than 5 thousand mentions of various brands for analysis and work with reputation using the Brand Analytics social media and mass media monitoring and analysis system . We use this monitoring system when preparing a strategy at the pre-sale stage, as well as for tracking our clients' mentions and further work with them on the project.
Recently, a major update was released in the Brand Analytics system with new features and functions for faster work and in-depth analysis of mentions. Today we would like to focus on an overview of one of social media marketing service the innovations - the aspect and aspect tonality function. In the article, we will tell you in detail what it is for, how to work with it and what we use it for.
About Brand Analytics
The Brand Analytics social media and mass media monitoring and analysis system is a continuously updated service that pleases us with new features that reveal details of brand mentions and deepen ORM analytics. With the help of the monitoring system, brands can track mentions not only of themselves but also of competitors, explore category trends, promptly answer user questions, search for insights, and much more. Brand Analytics tracks mentions in social networks, marketplaces, forums, geo-services, public chats, open Telegram channels, mass media, and popular review sites.
The Aspects function appeared in the spring of 2023 and is available to users with the “Advanced” tariff and above.
Aspects are characteristics of a product or service that the author expressed his attitude to when mentioning the brand. For example, to analyze a coffee shop, the aspects Cost, Taste, Location, Staff, etc. can be selected. These characteristics allow you to understand which characteristics please customers the most, and which ones still need some work.

Let's take a closer look at the process of creating and processing aspects in the Brand Analytics system .
Creating aspects
Enabling aspect tonality is possible both when creating a new topic and when editing an existing one. To do this, in the topic settings, you need to check the box in the "Definition of aspect tonality" item and select a topic. The topic of aspect tonality cannot be changed after the topic is created, so it is important to correctly determine the client's business area, and also not to combine mentions of brands from different segments in one topic
Creating Brand Analytics Aspects
Aspect Report
General statistics on aspects can be viewed in Reports. The section includes:
Sentiment distribution by aspects in the form of a histogram or a radar chart. Data can be downloaded in Excel format;
The most frequently mentioned positive and negative aspects. Numerical indicators can also be downloaded in a table format;
Statistics for each aspect (total number of mentions for a given aspect, number of positively and negatively marked messages, as well as their percentage).
Brand Analytics Aspects Report
In the Summary Report, you can filter messages by a specific aspect and get statistics on user loyalty and engagement. In addition, you can filter by a specific tonality of an aspect. This will help identify the cause of a surge in negativity or the aspect most discussed by the audience.