This is the message that the Executive will send to the leadership of the entity chaired by Emilio Botín. The argument: Francisco González (BBVA) and Isidro Fainé (Caixabank) have already made a moveEl Confidencial Digital has learned from Government sources, the publication of the banks' capital needs, by Oliver Wyman, will mark the starting signal, in the coming weeks, of the last phase of the restructuring of the financial sector. That is the moment that Minister Luis de Guindos manages to begin the new round of mergers. At the top of financial institutions they are already positioning themselves for the operations and acquisitions that are coming until the end of the year . Well then. The financial sources consulted by ECD warn that the Government is going to 'push' the country's large banks (Santander, BBVA and Caixabank) to participate in the process.
But, especially, to the entity chaired by Emilio Botín . The Executive considers that the main financial groups have to lead the definitive restructuring of the sector, since it is very important to complete it so that Spain regains credibility as a country and lowers financing costs for entities. Y en este nuevo mapa, el Gobierno quiere que esta vez el Santander también acometa compras. Y así se le va a transmitir. También, con el argumento de que el BBVA ya ha cumplido en Middle East Mobile Number List parte con la adquisición de Unimm, y Caixabank con la integración de Banca Cívica. Por eso, ahora, le toca mover ficha a Emilio Botín.Since then, only in Catalonia, and always through nationalist means, has this econometrics exercise continued, meaning only those that come from those areas are published. Not even the Institute of Economic Studies, nor the Círculo de Empresarios, removed from the political battle, have this area of study in their usual catalog, which they consider politicized.
The IEE has the personal and technical means to do so, as does FUNCAS, but these study services will not touch on this matter as long as it is a "field of political battle and party manipulation," according to their sources.And it is precisely what we want to avoid now above all else. The work of the Institute of Fiscal Studies Subsequently, Antoni Castells, Minister of Economy of the Catalan tripartite, asked the Socialist government to publish the fiscal balances. Zapatero fell into the trap and commissioned the study to the Institute of Fiscal Studies. It was published in and from there began the Catalan demand for a new financing model. The fiscal balances had gone from an object of investigation to political ammunition. Currently, neither the research services of large banks, savings banks, nor employers' associations include fiscal balances in their research panel. They stopped making them as a result of the Catalan offensive.