This means that people with limited vision can also see your images because they can use programs to have the image information read aloud. In this way, you also enable them to understand the context of the images. ADVANTAGE #3: THE GOOGLE BOT CAN UNDERSTAND YOUR IMAGES MORE EASILY Google or the Google bot is not a human, but an AI-controlled program. It crawls through your entire website and reads its content. And even though Google's AI is getting better and better, you can use your image optimization to help the Google bot "read" them and understand the images in the context of your site.
Google with all the information as easily as possible so that it can better assess and judge your site. ADVANTAGE #4: YOUR IMAGES ARE SUITABLE FOR GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCHES If you give Google clear signals about what is shown in your images and how relevant they are to your corresponding Australia Phone Number Data page and the keyword you are using, Google will be able to display your images in both the search results and in the Google image search.

So you increase your chances of being found on Google . Good image SEO results in your images appearing in both the SERPs and image search Images in Google search results with a link to the image search Denise Noetzel – SEO expert Denise Noetzel SEO expert for self-employed people I help self-employed people with how they can implement SEO for themselves and their business in order to be found by their target group on Google in the long term and sustainably.