45. Affiliate Links : Affiliate links by themselves probably won't hurt your rankings. But if you have too many, to other quality signals to make sure you're not a " no value-adding affiliate ." 46. HTML ErrorsW3C Validation : A large number of HTML errors or sloppy coding can indicate that the is of poor quality. Although this point is controversial, many SEO specialists believe that a well-coded page is used as a signal of quality. 47. Domain Authority : All things being equal, a page on an authoritative domain will rank higher than a page on a domain with less authority.
Rankings based on domain authority 48. PageRank of the page: The correlation is Azerbaijan WhatsApp Number not perfect. But pages with a lot of authority tend to outrank pages without a lot of link authority. 49. URL Length: Excessively long URLs can harm a page's visibility in search engines. Indeed, several industry studies have shown that short URLs tend to have a slight advantage in Google search results. 50. URL Path : A page closer to the home page may benefit from a slight increase in authority compared to pages buried deep within a 's architecture. 51. Human Editors: Although never confirmed, Google has filed a patent for a system that allows human editors to influence SERPs.

Category of the page: The category in which the page appears is a signal of relevance. A page that is in a category closely related to the keyword may receive a higher relevance score than a page ranked in a category unrelated to the keyword. 53. Keyword in URL : This is another relevance signal. A Google representative recently called this a " very low ranking factor ." But it remains a ranking factor. 54. URL string: Categories in the URL string are read by Google and can provide a thematic signal about what the page is about: URL Channel Categories 55. References and Sources.