Remember that the answer to the question why are you choosing an SEO service? should not be the general phrase more sales!. It will be much more helpful to precisely define expectations , for example increase sales of products from the x category by compared to the previous year. If you have difficulty defining the exact goal at the very beginning, ask for help from the person contacting you about the offer to jointly determine the target point and KPI. Who is your targetideal customer? This is one of those questions that the agency can usually answer after analyzing the content on the website. Nevertheless, it is worth answering this question because it will help a lot in preparing the offer after all, you know your customers best and you know who you would like to target your products or services to.
Do you direct your services to individual clients BC or companies BB? Is the offer Europe Cell Phone Number List tailored to people of a specific gender or age? What is your clients overall demographic profile and psychographic picture? Knowing your target group will allow the agency to both prepare content for the website and select the best key phrases to reach potential customers. What geographical area do you target with your services? The wider the geographic area in which you operate, the greater the competition. The greater the competition, the more difficult it may be to achieve the intended SEO results for your website. the potentially more expensive the positioning service. Therefore, it is worth determining in advance whether the service or products are addressed only to residents of a specific city and its surroundings, to the entire voivodeship or area of Poland, or to the entire Poland and foreign customers.

The SEO agency will prepare an action strategy for the coming months based on the geographical area in which you plan to operate. What are the unique features of your offer? What distinguishes your company from others with a similar offer? Why should customers buy from you or use your services? Awareness of the brands differentiators allows you to select key phrases and determine the most beneficial actions worth taking to quickly gain a competitive advantage and reach customers. Who are your biggest competitors? An SEO agency is able to determine which companies are your competition based on the analysis of organic search results.