And receive in your mailbox according to your frequency all the most important content relating to your name your brand your competitors specific events or any subject of your interest The positive points Accurate and free monitoring tool Save time and increase productivity The negative points Coverage limited to Twitter Google Alerts Google Alerts Access Google Alerts Thanks to an analysis of several domains in search of your specific keywords Google Alerts greatly facilitates the task of creating content by quickly providing you by email with an exhaustive accessible and personalized knowledge base The positive points free monitoring tool Save time and increase productivity The negative points No social media coverage Buzzsumo Brand Monitoring BuzzsumoBrandMonitoring Access Buzzsumo
Brand Monitoring Buzzsumo Brand Monitoring allows you to configure and receive daily content alerts when it finds a reference to your brand on social networks You can also create a custom dashboard to monitor all your alerts The positive points Ideal for receiving C Level Contact List daily alerts Advanced customization options The negative points Limited time free trial Only in English Social media competition draw tool Good Luck Fairy Good Luck Fair Access Good Luck Fairy Here is a free tool offered by Fanpage Karma which is extremely practical for selecting a winner in a competition held on a Facebook page The advantage is that you can also select only from the correct answers to a question you asked in your Facebook post The positive points Very easy to use Choosing among the correct answers to a question
The negative points Only for Facebook contests Woobox Woobox Access Woobox Woobox is the most complete tool for setting up campaigns on Instagram via contests And it offers the possibility of selecting winners from likes and comments easily The advantage is that it is also available for Facebook The constraint for the free version is participants which can be limiting if your competition works well The positive points Complete management of a competition on Instagram Possibility of also managing Facebook competitions The negative points The free offer is limited to participants Instagram Random Picker Access Instagram Random Picker This is the most effective free tool to randomly