A firm supporter of Hard Selling copywriting, he is associated with the Unique Selling Proposition (USP). storia del copywriting Rosser Reeves facile web marketing Rosser Reeves the copywriter father of the Unique Selling Proposition. To be successful on the market, each product must contain a unique and unequivocal selling proposition. All of its ads were focused on the sole reason why the product should be purchased or was better than its competitors. David Ogilvy ( – ) Ogilvy is certainly the best-known
advertiser of all time . Eccentric and rigorous at the same time, after being 1000 Mobile Number List expelled from Oxford because he was considered too distracted and restless, he dedicated himself to the most disparate professions. history-of-copywriting-david-ogilvy easy web marketing David Ogilvy, the copywriter who revolutionized the way of advertising. Chef in Paris, door-to-door salesman in England, researcher for the Gallup data and statistics agency, British spy in Washington. For a time he was also a rancher in an Amish community. “The customer isn't a moron, she's your wife.” and inventor of the concept of Brand Image , Ogilvy also wrote two

books: Ogilvy on Advertising and Confessions of an Advertising Man . Nel , il Time lo descrisse come the most sought-after wizard in today’s advertising industry. Already in his time, Ogilvy had sensed that the competition to attract the consumer's attention was becoming increasingly fierce. To make the advertising message rise above the media noise, he had to have something unique. He created numerous successful campaigns including: Guinness Guide to Oysters : Ogilvy associates dark beer with oysters and other traditional dishes with their respective recipes, giving Guinness a strong market positioning.