From highly professional training providers to financial operators who explain how to operate online trading. An example? During the lockdown period, practicing Yoga at home was the most popular activity . Reason? to deliver their lessons. But companies can also adopt the potential of a Learning Management System platform to provide training or refresher courses to their employees located in geographically distant locations, with considerable advantages both in terms of organization but also economical by being able to avoid the use of classrooms.
for rent and the physical movement of the participants, as well as WhatsApp Number List being able to decide on time slots outside the standard ones. During the lockdown period, Italy was forced to review its economic system. In the most stringent days of the Coronavirus, the web was the main means of communication. For this reason, both e-commerce and LMS platforms have grown so much . In fact, if on the one hand online shopping in Italy has definitely started some time ago, the sites that provide Learning Management System services (in Italian "learning management system") still belong to a niche sector.
This is precisely what drives us to clarify the topic. Explanation of the LMS Let's start from the basics: imagine an LMS as a "normal" website. Within it, there are courses made up of videos, PDFs and other educational and support material, of any theme and type: from cooking to sport. The objective of these platforms, in fact, is to offer training exclusively online. As in reality, this training takes place in real classes. The only difference is the virtual.