We will wait for you! Did you like this article about what digital asset management or asset management is? Leave your comments and share! 6 min 0 IEBS Human Resources Labor Relations Blog What is workplace mobbing and how to identify it in the company? According to a study carried out by the Association against Psychological and Moral Harassment, 15% of workers in Spain have at some point suffered workplace mobbing : a form of harassment that can negatively affect the image of the human resources department and the company and impact in the worker's objectives.
If you want to know what it is and how to manage it, keep Phone Number List reading. You may be interested in: Master in Human Resources GUIDE Human resources management guide for an entrepreneur Discharge INDEX OF CONTENTS What is workplace mobbing and why does it occur? Workplace mobbing refers to all those actions by one or more employees that seek to intimidate, degrade or harass another worker in order to damage their work environment and cause them to leave the company.

Usually, it is done in a subtle way so that little by little the "victim" employee begins to feel low job satisfaction, reduces his commitment to the company's work, has little motivation and ends up quitting. for the worker, it is also a negative factor for the company's image, since it generates high business turnover, loss of talent, a toxic culture and can even be criticized for not being inclusive. In some cases, labor mobbing aims to free the company from paying severance pay.