Application requires dynamic data such as data from or from a database then the application needs to make another data request. This works great too. However a side effect is that we also distribute the loading spinner across the web. We go one step further and introduce edge computing such as edge networks. Edge is a form of serverless computing that allows running server-side code geographically close to end users. Source Worker Edge computing works similarly to serverless functions without cold starts because they have shorter runtimes. of the application will be better but it comes at the cost of having a smaller runtime on the edge meaning you don't have quite the same functionality as a regular runtime used in serverless functions. Check out the introduction to edge computing to learn more. Edge functions can easily exhaust database connections. Edge functions are stateless, which means they lack persistent state between requests. This architecture conflicts with the stateful nature of traditional relational databases where each request requires a new database connection.
A new database connection is established for every req photo editing servies uest to the application which adds significant overhead to the query and can hinder application performance as it scales. Additionally, during peak traffic periods the database is at risk of running out of database connections, causing downtime. You can learn more about the challenges of database access in edge environments similar to those in serverless environments in this article. For edge database access using then install the client extension Next build the client that will be connected via then navigate to and update the imports to make it compatible with the edge environment Test the application locally Now setup is complete you can start the application locally navigate to This is what it looks like right now. The quotes you see may vary as quotes are randomly selected. You can click another one to refresh the page with a new quote.

You can also navigate to get random quotes in the format. Deploying an application commits and pushes existing changes to version control. Navigate to and import your repository. Give your project a name and turn on the Environment Variables toggle and fill in the following environment variables The connection string for the database The connection string can be set to a true value to generate a client that does not include a query engine to reduce the deployed application size when used with. Finally click Start Build Congratulations on your successful build You should see the following Click on the Access button to view the deployed version of the application. Click View Function Log in the Overview tab of the Edge Server Rendering Edge Route Returns dashboard. Next select the indexing function. You will see that the application's runtime is instead. Refresh the page in the application and then go back and you .