Additionally you could try running a blog on your website which is a great addition and will provide ongoing interesting commentary on industry specific feelings even if this is the current trend. Remember that you are speaking on behalf of the company. Misrepresentation of products or services Short videos that do not accurately convey the quality or functionality of your product or service may cause customer dissatisfaction. If your audience feels like.
They're being lied to or not getting what they expected, it can lead to a loss last database of trust and confidence in your company. It’s not the best option for businesses to use various clickbait methods. Negative comments and review short videos can become a source of public comment and discussion among viewers. A video that triggers negative emotions or raises problematic questions can trigger a wave of negative comments and comments. Negative reactions from your audience.

Can negatively impact your brand and scare away potential customers. Pay attention to the comments, try your best to answer the questions, and don't be afraid to delete biased criticisms in time. Loss of Competitiveness Videos that don’t meet your audience’s high standards and expectations can undermine your competitiveness. a video that is more engaging, informative, or creative, you risk losing the attention and preference of your.