Spain industry expert in the fields of semantic SEOEEATmodern search engine technologiescontent marketing and customer journey management. He is the host of the FunkyMEDIA Podcast SEO podcast. Website Facebook LinkedIn YouTube Author Amazon Author Castbox Amazon Crunchbase AboutMe AHE Spotify Google Virtual Reality Cardboard Apps are applications that allow users to experience virtual reality using a regular smartphone. These applications are available on Android and iOS platforms and are adapted to many different models of VR glasses.
They allow users to move to another world where they can experience virtual adventuresgames Country Email List and movies. Google Virtual Reality Cardboard Apps offers users amazing visual and audio experiences that make them feel like they are part of this world. Minecraft online Best Google Cardboard VR Apps Google Cardboard VR is one of the most popular virtual reality apps. This is a sile and cheap way to experience virtual reality. There are many applications that can be run using Google Cardboard VR. Here are some of them.
Google Street View this application allows users to view panoramas of streets and cities around the world without leaving your home. . YouTube This application allows users to watch degree videos on YouTubeso they can experience the videos as if they were physically present there. . InCell VR This game allows players to travel to the microcosm of the human bodywhere they will have to fight diseases and viruses to save people from diseases. . Titans of Space This game allows players to travel around the solar system to learn more about the planets and other celestial bodies in our galaxy.