How To Use Linkedin X-Ray Search On Google? steps to use Linkedin X-Ray search: Write your X-ray search Paste it into Google search bar Export the results to CSV . Write your X-Ray query As X-Ray queries can be long and complicated, I recommend to first write them on a notepad, Google Doc or Notion page to be able to edit them easily. write x ray search If you close the window without intention: you don’t want to lose min of work over a dumb misclick.
It’s also a good practice to save your X-Ray search over time as seo expate bd you might improve them and use them again in the future. .ers If you use the search engine to search for nd Paste into Google Search Bar Once you are happy with your X-Ray query, you can paste it to Google and press enter to get your results. paste x ray searchg goole Iterate on your expression until you are satisfied with your search results.

Export the results to CSV You have two options once you are satisfied with the search results: Visit all the profiles manually Export them into a CSV I recommend exporting them as it will be much easier to organize your outreach. The natural next step would to import these profiles into your CRM or Applicant Tracking System (ATS). export linkedin x ray search results To do this where are going to use Scaleserp. After you create your account.