Navigator is not a perfect solution. It also has some drawbacks that you should be aware of before deciding to use it. drawbacks of using Sales Navigator: No CSV export feature Search results qualitu Data Quality . No CSV Export Feature One of the most annoying limitations of Sales Navigator is the lack of CSV export functionality. CSV export allows you to export your search results or lead lists to a CSV file that you can open with any spreadsheet software. sales navigator csv export This can help you save time and effort in transferring data from LinkedIn to other platforms or sales prospecting tools.
Unfortunately, Sales Nav does not offer CSV export functionality. Hoes Does Evaboot solve seo expate bd that? However, there is a workaround for this limitation. You can use a tool like search results or lead lists from Sales Navigator to a CSV file in one click. Export Sales Navigator leads for free . Search Results Quality Another limitation of Sales Navigator is the quality of search results. You want your search results to be as accurate and relevant as possible for your sales goals. linkedin sales navigator search filters problem However, Sales Navigator does not always provide high-quality search results. Sometimes, you may encounter false positives or irrelevant results in your search results.

Sales navigator false positives For example, you may find prospects who have outdated profiles, who have changed jobs or companies, who have inaccurate or incomplete information. This can waste your time and effort in reaching out to unqualified leads. Hoes Does Evaboot solve that? To save your time, the Evaboot algorithm will automatically detect the false positive in your search results. evaboot double check search results That way you are % sure to only contact qualified leads when doing launch linkedin outreach campaigns. evaboot filters sales navigator resutls.