Login to respond leonel Very good summary, it helped me a lot! Login to respond Luis Carrillo Excellent objective and precise, in a few words. It helps me a lot. Thank you.! Login to respond reader My contribution Techlonomy ->> Technology Very interesting, thank you for publishing it. Login to respond Eli Guzman Thank you, it helped me a lot to clarify the functions of my next job (CFO) Login to respond Paula Canal Thank you very much Eli! We wish you good luck in your next professional adventure. Greetings! Luigi Rgz Excellent definitions, the activities that each person develops in their position and role within any organization or company are clearly expressed.
Greetings! Login to respond Mireia More Denmark WhatsApp Number Data Thanks for your comment! As you say, with these definitions we intend to summarize in a few sentences what the work of each manager consists of and shed some light on the meaning of the acronyms, since they can often seem somewhat opaque to us. Thanks again for your contribution Mireia More Thanks for your comment! You are right, in principle we wanted to list only the most important senior officials, but between this week and next we will complete it with your recommendations and other information.

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