We bring it up all the time. Well thats not true. And thats what makes you bored on a daily basis since you dont have a clear idea of the challenges you have to face and they are too distant to thrill you. There are then things missing in the company you are in Objectives quantified for the year, quarter and month Performance indicators linked directly to turnover A defined budget You need SMART objectives that will allow you to identify performance indicators to monitor regularly its very stimulating! and the Marketing budget you need to achieve them.
On this point, you have control and I tell you everything in this video .youtubewatch?vsvEhyuDYjE . You Albania WhatsApp Number have no prospects for advancement And obviously, you feel like youve reached a glass ceiling? This is very common, especially in VSEsSMEs for reasons Marketing is often just person You! Your superior does not have the Marketing vision to help you progress Since you are alone in Marketing, the possibilities for development are limited, if not noneistent. the job description is not everything it is better to progress, gain skills.
But if your manager does not have sufficient vision of Marketing to lead you to new subjects or allow you to train, that too is impossible. In this case, you need to look elsewhere . You dont have the right tools If you listened to the Podcast with Fanny, which I suggested to you above, you heard it the right tools make you grow. Like Fanny, I am convinced of it. Particularly for Marketing Automation . So, if your Marketing toolbo is limited to Powerpoint, Paint and an Emailing tool, its high time to change jobs! .youtubewatch?vJLasLs . Youre not really part of the company Well, I admit, this title is a bit Putaclic !