Threats to consumers - finances And ransomware, let's start with a high C - in r. For the first time in history, mobile financial threats are among the ten most popular programs designed to steal money. This means that attacks of this type are maturing and cybercriminals feel confident in the mobile ecosystem. of the most popular families of financial malware, two families of mobile banking Trojans appeared - faketoken and marcher. Pests from the Marcher family steal payment data from Android devices, and representatives of the faketoken family interact with computer Trojans.
The user is tricked into installing an application on his smartphone that is actually a Trojan that intercepts one-time codes confirming banking transactions. Unfortunately, the increase in the popularity of mobile financial threats has not gone hand in hand with a decline in the scope of "traditional" financial Mobile App Development Service cybercrime: in o in relation to r. (infection attempts). Ransomware - pay and maybe you will get access to your data. I would like to explain to all those who have not yet heard about ransomware or have heard about it but do not know exactly what this phenomenon is. The matter is quite simple - ransomware is malicious software.

That, after infecting a computer, begins to encrypt user data or otherwise prevents normal use of the system. The victim then sees a message that after paying the ransom, access to the data will be restored. Hence the name: ransom . malware = ransomware. Will access to data actually be restored? Well, let's remember that we are dealing with cybercriminals - morality and honesty are probably not their strong suits. of course, ransomware is not new, but in. This type of software has increased its presence on new platforms. One in six . ransomware attacks targeted Android devices – just one year after the first ransomware attack on this platform.